Pod 19: Interview with John Dennehy

“El Salvador is the focus, but the mission is the world.” John Dennehy of Mi Primer Bitcoin joins the podcast to share how his organization plans to empower people across the globe to gain control over their own lives.

Mi Primer Bitcoin (My First Bitcoin) is a nonprofit that provides free, impartial Bitcoin education in El Salvador. Their vision is of a world where individuals have more power over their lives, where innovation is permission-less, censorship is difficult and money is separated from state or other centralized institutions.

John Dennehy is a writer and activist. Born in New York he often works at the UN and otherwise lives abroad working as a journalist. He is a best-selling author and has written about Bitcoin in Latin America for places such as the Guardian, Al-Jazeera, and the BBC. He is obsessed with decentralization and self-sovereignty. In a world at the crossroads, he sees Bitcoin as humanity’s best chance to build something better. He is currently based in El Salvador.

Connect with John or Mi Primer Bitcoin:
Twitter: @MyfirstBitcoin_
Instagram: MyfirstBitcoin_
Website: miprimerbitcoin.io 

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