Pod 20: Interview with Jason Maier

“It’s great to be skeptical, but not dismissive.” Jason Maier shares his views on the multidisciplinary nature of Bitcoin and the importance of having a range of voices and perspectives introducing the concepts of Bitcoin to prospective adopters.

Jason Maier is the author of A Progressive's Case for Bitcoin, a book for anyone starting to learn about Bitcoin and wants to understand the reality behind the buzz. Exploring the value proposition of Bitcoin through a progressive lens, Maier's book outlines why Bitcoin is good for the environment, how it helps poor and marginalized communities, and why Bitcoin serves as a protest against too-big-to-fail banks. In essence, all the people-centric reasons Bitcoin was created in the first place. This inspirational read, which requires no background knowledge, is a great starting point for anyone curious about Bitcoin beyond the boundaries of Western privilege, clickbait headlines, and social media chatter.

Jason Maier is a teacher of mathematics with a personal conviction about how Bitcoin will reshape the world. More of Jason's writing can be found at www.bitcoinmagazine.com.

Connect with Jason:
Twitter: @cjasonmaier
Website: https://www.bitcoinprogressive.com

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